Christian Seicho center

Christian Seicho (Growth) Center (CSC) is a dynamic community that provides a training program that helps Christians who truly desire to live according to Jesus, helping them with their commitment and supporting their spiritual growth.

Have you ever felt this way?

Are you a Christian, and longing for more?

Do you long to know God better and feel His love for you more?
Do you long to know Jesus, the Son of God, even better and become more like Him?
To discover more the gifts the Holy Spirit has given you and use them for God’s glory and kingdom?
To grow more as a Christian and discover God’s plan for your life?

You want to set out as a Christian and discover new things, but you don’t know how? You have the impression that you are standing still as a Christian, that you are not getting anywhere?

And in general, it seems to you: God is so far away!
And you ask yourself?

Is there a place where I can meet God anew?
Is there a place where I can get to know Jesus better?
Is there a place where I can get to know myself and my gifts better through the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
Is there a place where I can pray together with other Christians, read the Bible, and grow together with them as a Christian?

There is that Place!

As CSC, we want to offer that place!

That we long for more, for growth is completely normal.
This longing has been put into us by God, our Creator.
That something grows is completely normal in nature.
Growth should also be something normal and self-evident for us Christians. But growth does not happen automatically, overnight. It is a process, and you need training to develop as a Christian.

Jesus wants to be your coach. He invites you to follow him as his disciples. And when you follow Jesus, you are trained, you grow as a Christian, and you become more like Jesus.
Jesus even invites you to grow through the apostle Peter:

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ” (2 Peter 3:18)

Do you want to grow? Do you want to know Jesus better?
Do you want to be trained by Him? Do you want to become more like Jesus?

Then listen to the voice of Jesus and follow Him.

Set out on an adventure journey as a disciple of Jesus. Follow Jesus. On this journey with Jesus, you will encounter many tasks and challenges that will help you develop as a Christian.

The CSC training program accompanies you for a year on this journey, in the process of spiritual growth. You will discover new places, meet interesting people, encounter challenging tasks and experience God’s work.  In the process, you will also get to know yourself better, grow as a follower of Jesus, and become more like Jesus.

Therefore: heartfelt invitation! Join in.
Grow together with other Christians. Get involved in the adventure with Jesus. Your life will never be the same.


We are excited to announce that our one-year program will begin on September 14th. We would be delighted if you could join us.

Come and join the CSC »Try Day« on July 6th at Iwakura Church or join online

Here you find the actual flyer for the 2024-2025 CSC Program
